
Account verification


Verify that a blockchain account is allowed to participate in a project. The response depends on the given API key.

Path Parameters


  "blockchain": "eip155:1",
  "address": "0xab16a96d359ec26a11e2c2b3d8f8b8942d5bfcdb"
  "state": "final",
  "approved": true,
  "timestamp": 1644581061214,
  "proof": "47pP5r1Kh159XmxcfG2eQVj6dKNhub3mvGgpJovcw7EcZyJswFLYyKGYNV21BGJ8pwkajA75ZLMWFBdv3BzMRMk"

CAIP-2 defines a way to identify a blockchain in a human readably, developer-friendly, and transaction-friendly way.


The response contains a state field, which can be "unknown", "pending", or "final". In case of a final result, the response will contain an approved field specifying if the given account should be allowed to participate in accordance with the configured requirements.


A final response contains proof of delivery for additional assurance towards DeFi projects. It allows you to indisputably and independently prove that the information used to allow or reject participation, has been provided by Proofi.

The proof is an ECDSA secp256r1 (aka ECC prime256v1) signature. The signature is based on a binary message

The account field has the CAIP-10 format, which is blockchain-id:address. The address may be normalized.

The sha256 hash of the signature is also published to LTO Network using an anchor transaction.

The public key for verifying the proof of delivery can be obtained from the SSL certificate of

Idem potent

Doing the same request multiple times will give the same response, given that the information associated with the wallet address hasn't changed in the meantime.

Last updated